
Our Services

Nulla egestas ante sit amet tincidunt bibendum. Duis id aliquet tellus, ut iaculis orci. Suspendisse efficitur ornare neque, rhoncus viverra dui semper in. Ut nec gravida enim. Maecenas viverra elit id nulla euismod tempus. Proin hendrerit nibh mauris, eget mollis ex elementum vel. Sed facilisis scelerisque viverra.

Rapid city transfer

We will bring you quickly and comfortably to anywhere in your city

Booking a hotel

If you need a comfortable hotel, our operators will book it for you, and take a taxi to the address

Airport transfer

We will bring you quickly and comfortably to anywhere in your city

Baggage transport

If you need a comfortable hotel, our operators will book it for you, and take a taxi to the address

See our




Standard sedan for a drive around the city at your service

$2 /km


Standard sedan for a drive around the city at your service

$2,7 /km


Standard sedan for a drive around the city at your service.

$5 /km


Standard sedan for a drive around the city at your service

$4.5 /km

Happy Client's


Redovito koristim usluge VIP taxija. Bero je pristupačan i komunikativan. Sve pohvale.

Ivana Horvat

Zbog kvara na autu hitno sam trebao prijevoz na sastanak. VIP taxi spasio je stvar. Sve pohvale.

Vlatko Peičević

Kriva procjena trajanja baterije na e-golfu. VIP taxi je bio tu 15minuta nakon poziva.

Kruno Pavlović

Profesionalni vozač, nema straha. Brza i sigurna vožnja.

Mario Milišić
Pas mi je pobjegao. Zahvaljujući VIP taxiju pronašli smo ga prije nego je otišao predaleko.
Magdalena Mišić

Our partners

And clients